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Inspiring people to love and protect the Ocean has always been Nomads Surfing’s mission.

Nomads Ocean Care

Nomads Ocean Care is the endowment fund created in 2023 by the company to support impact projects in the conservation and protection of marine ecosystems.

The endowment fund is a financing tool at the service of philanthropy and patronage, thanks to the capitalization of the donations it receives.

So we created Nomads Ocean Care to involve as many people as possible (companies, public partners, individuals) in our commitments, and to enable everyone to take part in our fight.

The NOMADS OCEAN CARE Endowment Fund is a long-term commitment to the protection of oceans and marine life.

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The Ocean, a treasure to be protected

70% of our planet is covered by seas and oceans, which represent 97% of the water on earth.

More than 50% of our oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. One out of every two breaths is thanks to it.

3 billion people depend directly on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.

Who can donate?

Companies – Associations – Local authorities – Foundations – Institutions – Individuals


Associate yourself with Nomads Surfing’s image while helping us fund impact projects based on the pillars of marine life protection, awareness-raising and coral reforestation.

You can also benefit from a tax deduction of 60% of your donation.


Nomads Surfing is the legal entity managing the endowment fund. Nicolas, Basile and Thomas manage the fund as an executive committee.

Join us and become an agent of change to protect our precious Ocean, the lungs of our planet.