Protecting our playground

The first committed surf brand combining performance and eco-design for the benefit of the Ocean

Our surfboards

Eco-responsible, high-performance surfboards made from alternative materials that reduce your impact on the environment.



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Protect our playground

A few testimonials

The second hand

What if tomorrow’s surfing was all about second-hand and repairing existing products? In any case, at Nomads we’re proud to offer you our marketplace dedicated to the resale of our second-hand products.

Our values

Our commitment

Our mission is to protect our playground, the ocean!


Ensuring the sustainability of the brand, our products and our social and environmental environment.


To give you maximum visibility of how we manufacture and operate.


Offering high-performance equipment that allows you to surf responsibly.

Our stories


Surfer l’OcĂ©an : Respect ~ admiration ~ engagement

Surfer par Amour   Quelle est la raison qui nous pousse Ă  aller Ă  l’eau…

Femme, Océan, Surf

Doux matin d’Octobre. Il ne fait pas du tout froid. Le soleil illumine dĂ©jĂ  le…

Nomads Surfing, le surf B-Corp

Surf B-corp, innover pour surfer autrement   En 2017, l’aventure Nomads Surfing commençait. Notre objectif…

The Nomads adventure was written a few years ago by Basile, Nicolas and Thomas on the shores of the ocean. This Ocean will become the key to you in this adventure in which many people are attached to it every day.

To find out more about the project, click here.


They talk about us


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